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Donation to Support Education | NMS Donated ¥500,000 to CTGU to Establish a Scholarship


On April 1, the donation ceremony of the “Hydraulics and Electric Power Featured majors Alumni Scholarship” of Nanchang Mineral Systems Co.,Ltd.(hereinafter referred to as NMS), was held at China Three Gorges University. NMS donated ¥500,000 to China Three Gorges University to establish the “NMS-Hydraulics and Electric Power Featured majors Alumni Scholarship”, aiming at strongly supporting the development of education at China Three Gorges University and encouraging young students at school to study diligently and to pursue their dreams so as to cultivate more outstanding professionals for the high-quality development of country’s hydraulics and electric power industry.

Zhang Cheng, a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of CTGU, Chen Sheng, director of the Office of Social Services and Foreign Cooperation, Wu Haihua, executive dean and deputy secretary of the party committee of College of Mechanical & Power Engineering, Wang Xianfeng, deputy director of the Student Affairs Department of CTGU, Ouyang Qingfang, secretary of the party committee of College of Hydraulic & Environmental Engineering, Xie Xiaoqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of College of Civil Engineering & Architecture, Zhu Hongjun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of College of Electrical Engineering and New Energy, Chang Fei, Chief of the Alumni Liaison and Fund Management Section, Chen Yunlong, Chief of the Alumni Culture and Comprehensive Affairs Section, Li Shunshan, Chairman of NMS, President of Jiangxi Alumni Association of CTGU, Zhan Chunsheng, Director of R&D Center of NMS, Tian Tian, Acting Director of Human Resources Department, Wang Hong, Secretary General of Jiangxi Alumni Association, and Liu Jiang, Director of Three Jiangxi and Jiangkou hydropower of SPIC, Class of 2005 Alumni of CTGU major in  Electrical Engineering and Automation, and others attended the donation ceremony.

At the donation ceremony, participated personnel in charge of respective college spoke one after another, introducing the development overview of each college and expressing their gratitude to NMS for donation to support education and the alumni’s concern for their alma mater.

Zhang Cheng, a member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of CTGU, said that NMS’s donation to support education reflects the company’s deep feelings for higher education and its social responsibility. He hopes that both the school and the enterprise can take this donation as an opportunity to further deepen the exchange and cooperation in talent cultivation, teaching and scientific research, internship practice, employment and other aspects to create a model of school-enterprise cooperation.

During the exchange session, Li Shunshan, Chairman of NMS and President of Jiangxi Alumni Association of CTGU, delivered a special report entitled “My Sixty Years”. In the report, he reviewed his experience of studying at CTGU, personal growth, and striving. He expressed his gratitude to his alma mater for the training and teachers’ earnest teachings, and encouraged young students to take their studies seriously and to strive to be the young generations in the new era who are talented, responsible, caring and grateful through his personal experience.(Liu Xiaohan)

Li Shunshan, Chairman of NMS, and others visited the College of Mechanical & Power Engineering of CTGU

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