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Annual Party! Grand Event and Great Blueprint, Set Sail and Start Again!


On January 22, Nanchang Mineral Systems Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “NMS”) held the 2021 annual awarding and 2022 NMS Spring Festival Gala. More than 600 NMS employees gathered together to celebrate the previous year with pride and joy, and welcome the new year with joy. In addition, family members of model employees, overseas dept. employees and retired employees were invited to attend the gala.

Beginning with the goal: planning the overall situation of 2022

At the beginning of the event, Li Shunshan, Chairman of NMS, extended his most sincere wishes and thanks to all employees who worked hard as well as all family members and partners who supported the work of NMS, reviewed the development achievements of NMS in 2021 and launched the start of NMS in 2022.

Li Shunshan, Chairman of NMS was giving a speech

In 2021, when the world situation was turbulent and the epidemic was rampant, many NMS employees fought in different places at risk and made achievements that let us share joy here today: in 2021, NMS was successfully restructured into a joint-stock limited company. With the proposal and continuous decoding of the development strategy, the operation and production of NMS were deeply promoted. The subsidiary Jiangxi Gold Intelligent Service Engineering Co., Ltd. was established, and the strategy of serving NMS was implemented. In order to continue to build NMS of science and technology, NMS Changsha Technology Co., Ltd. was officially established. In 2021, the sales revenue of NMS achieved rapid growth, and a sales elite of 100 million yuan emerged; NMS paid close attention to quality improvement and was highly praised by customers; the comprehensive performance management was launched and made a good start; NMS brand influence has been further expanded. These achievements were the results of the correct decision-making of the enterprise and the joint efforts of all employees. I would like to express my deep gratitude to you.

Chairman Li said that the task in 2022 would be more arduous. First, the further de internationalization of the global environment would bring pressure. Second, the proposal of NMS to build the strategy of NMS with technology, quality, internationalization, benefit and service required everyone to make greater efforts. Therefore, we should not only focus on the present, but also look forward to the future. I believed that the goal in 2022 would be achieved with the concerted efforts of all employees. Let’s embrace the change with firm determination and courage, win the future, start again with perseverance, continue to consolidate the business foundation and development potential of NMS, and strive to achieve a newer and greater leap forward!

Witness glory: no pains, no gains

In 2021, various undertakings of NMS were booming. A group of excellent NMS people had left a glorious page for NMS with their persistence, diligence, wisdom and sweat. They had forged glory with their sweat and woven dreams with their youth. Their spirit was worth learning by every NMS person. Medals were the biggest reward for them in their career.

NMS awarding for technology, quality, service, internationalization and benefit

2021 special contribution

Awarding for autumn sports games

Excellence for personal points

At the awarding, NMS commended the collectives and individuals who made outstanding contributions to the operation and development in 2021, related prizes were successively awarded. The atmosphere at the scene was high.

Sharing by the employee and his family from Overseas Market Business Unit

At the gala, we also had audio connection with the employees who were still on the business trip or at overseas, expressed blessings to them, and invited the employee and his  family to come on stage to share the story.

Enjoy the grand event: the flourishing of gorgeous movement and dance

The exquisite and various programs were staged in turn, bringing colorful visual and auditory banquets to the spectators, fully showing the excellent talents and styles of NMS employees. They showed the spiritual outlook of all NMS employees who were high spirited, forging ahead in unity and pursuing their dreams. Singing and dancing were on the stage, and the spectators were intoxicated by the enthusiasm and interaction under the stage.

Shows by employees

Bazar: laughter is full of emotion

In order to welcome the arrival of the year of the tiger and create a warm, festive and peaceful atmosphere, NMS golden tiger blessing and new year bazar was specially added in this annual gala to give benefits to the employees. With the coupons, employees can exchange their favorite gifts at the stalls.

Busy bazar

The bazar was full of China red, the strong new year atmosphere was there. In the song, everywhere was filled with joy and happiness.

Employees received gifts for their birthday in January

The birthday party for employees was also held at the dinner on the same day to celebrate their birthday in January. Finally, the gala ended successfully in a harmonious and cheerful atmosphere.


NMS staff never forgot their original intention, overcame difficulties,

strived to be No.1, moved forward with head held high and achieved remarkable achievements;

2022, it is still a long way to go.

We work together, forge ahead hand in hand;

Let’s go together and create more brilliance!

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