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Home > Corporate News > Work Resumes with Good Fortune | NMS’s Wanli Factory Kicks Off the Opening Movement of 2024

Work Resumes with Good Fortune | NMS’s Wanli Factory Kicks Off the Opening Movement of 2024


The Year of the Dragon Brings Great Fortune, NMS Starts with a Bang. On February 16th (the 7th day of the first lunar month), NMS’s Wanli Factory held the 2024 ”Opening Ceremony,” marking the start of a vibrant new year.

At the opening ceremony, Gong Youliang, the President of NMS, expressed heartfelt gratitude to all employees for their hard work in 2023. He emphasized the importance of carrying forward the core values of ‘Professionalism, Integrity, and Customer-Oriented Management’ in 2024. Gong encouraged all NMS employees to strive for excellence, deliver outstanding products, and provide better after-sales service to create value for customers. With dedication and craftsmanship, he aims to contribute to the advancement of China’s mining machinery industry!

Gong Youliang, the President of NMS

Vice President Liu Min of NMS extended New Year blessings and greetings to all employees, urging everyone to embrace the new year with a fresh spirit and embark on a new journey. Deputy General Manager Liu Deping of the Production and Delivery Center called on all workshop employees to start the new year’s journey with one hundred percent enthusiasm and sense of responsibility, contributing their personal efforts to the company’s development.

Vice President Liu Min of NMS

Deputy General Manager Liu Deping of the Production and Delivery Center








To express gratitude to employees, NMS has specially prepared Spring Festival red envelopes filled with blessings and good wishes for the new year, to help kick off work with good luck and embark on a wonderful journey in the new year.

New year, new outlook, and ready for a fresh start. In 2024, NMS will 5hands with our valued customers to advance together and create a better life! (By Liu Xiaohan)

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