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Home > Corporate News > First Presentation! NMS’s MC800 Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher Makes Debut at China International Mining Conference

First Presentation! NMS’s MC800 Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher Makes Debut at China International Mining Conference


From October 26 to 28, 2023, the 25th China International Mining Conference was held at the Tianjin Meijiang Convention Center. This conference was under the guidance of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the People’s Republic of China and the Tianjin Municipal People’s Government, and it was organized by the China Mining Association. Nanchang Mineral Systems Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “NMS”), was invited to attend the conference.

“Innovation-Driven, Promoting High-Quality Development in Mining” – NNMS actively responded to the conference theme by showcasing for the first time their newly developed large-scale equipment, the MC800 Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher.

This equipment features a rotating fixed cone, maintaining a constant crushing chamber for uniform product granularity and even wear of the crusher lining. Equipped with a hydraulic control system, it keeps a consistent discharge opening, resulting in a high first-pass product yield, with up to 80% of the product passing the discharge opening. It incorporates an intelligent control system for constant power operation and early warnings.The automatic release system significantly enhances the over-iron performance of the equipment, reducing crusher downtime and ensuring high operational efficiency. With a spiral cone gear transmission and an external eccentric adjustment gear clearance function, it offers straightforward operation and maintenance, with the fastest liner replacement taking just 2 hours.

It is worth mentioning that the showcased MC800 Multi-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher and CC500 Single-Cylinder Hydraulic Cone Crusher had already attracted potential customers before the exhibition. During this exhibition, these two impressive “heavyweights” also drew significant attention to NMS’s booth, attracting numerous inquiries from visitors. The booth saw a constant flow of guests seeking information, and there was a notable interest from international mining clients who were exploring potential collaborations after on-site consultations.

NMS has always adhered to technological innovation to lead the development of the enterprise. After decades of hard work and experience accumulation, NMS have achieved fruitful results. In terms of product innovation, NMS independently developed a complete series of crushing, screening, and feeding equipment for metal mines and sand and stone aggregate, as well as supporting products such as environmental protection, dust removal, and sand and stone recovery. NMS is one of the enterprises with the most comprehensive product series in the industry. Multiple products have obtained certificates for key new products in Jiangxi Province, and have received various honors and awards from institutions such as the Ministry of Industries and information Technology of the People’s Republic of China, the China Machinery Industry Federation, the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society, the Department of Industries and Information Technology of Jiangxi Province, and the Science and Technology Department of Jiangxi Province. NMS have been granted nearly 500 patents.

The excellent R&D strength and technological innovation ability of NMS have been recognized by the industry and relevant authoritative departments. The company has participated in the formulation of multiple national standards and industry standards, and has also been awarded as a national high-tech enterprise、a national specialized and sophisticate “Little Giant” enterprise, a single-item demonstration enterprise in the manufacturing industry in Jiangxi Province and a benchmark enterprise in intelligent manufacturing in Jiangxi Province. Additionally, It has been granted approved to establish national postdoctoral research stations, provincial postdoctoral innovation practice base, municipal doctoral research innovation centers, provincial enterprise technology centers, and other research bases.

Looking ahead to the future, NMS will continue to deeply cultivate the industry and focus on innovation. By continuously increasing R&D investment, accelerating the construction of innovative platforms, gathering high-quality R&D teams and resources, the company will enhance its technological innovation capabilities. In addition, it will continue to deepen industry-university-research cooperation, accelerate the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, provide customers with excellent products, and inject strong momentum into promoting high-quality development in the mining industry.

More Conference Highlights:

Gong Youliang, President of NMS, was interviewed by the media


Cases of some mining projects of NMS:


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