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Warm Visit for Spring Festival!


On the occasion of Spring Festival, Nanchang Mineral Systems Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “NMS”) is concerned about overseas employees and poor employees. NMS labor union specially organized and visited the families of overseas employees, gave overseas employee families money and new year gifts, simultaneously, provided money for poor employees and extended greetings.

NMS overseas employees have worked hard in the front line of overseas projects for a long time and made outstanding contributions to the overseas business development of the enterprise. Their family members silently contribute behind their backs, overcome various living difficulties and provide strong backing for employees to work at ease. With the attack of COVID-19’s variant, the epidemic situation has become increasingly severe. The original scheduled return flights have been repeatedly changed and the date dragged on. The final flight interruption completely blocked their way home of overseas employees working in Nanchang, Russia and Africa. The babbling babies at home, aging parents and hardworking wives are all concerned in their hearts.

Photos of the delegation with some Chinese overseas employee families

In order to reassure the Chinese employees who are still abroad, NMS delegation rushed to Chongqing, Jinan and other places to express wishes to their families, sincerely thanked each overseas employee for their dedication and persistence, and their families for the understanding and strong support. NMS will always be a solid backing for employees and their families. The family members had expressed that they would take good care of their families as always and fully support their work abroad.

Labor Union provided poor employees with money

For the poor employees, NMS labor union specially provided them with money. The delegation had a cordial conversation with them, got know about their living conditions, encouraged them to strengthen their confidence, boost their spirit, face life positively and optimistically, and let them fully feel the love and warmth of the enterprise.

Visit retired employee

For a long time, NMS has been actively creating a harmonious atmosphere and striving to create a happy and harmonious home culture. Colleagues call each families. Through this visit, NMS employees and their families have a deeper understanding of the enterprise’s home culture. NMS LU will also continue to be committed to building a model of a happiness enterprise, carrying out the work of employee families care to the end, and effectively send love to every employee and warmth to the bottom of their hearts.

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